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Cameron and Samantha | The H Hotel

I remember Samantha and Cameron winning me over the first moments we met. Sam with her warm inviting smile and bubbly energy and Cameron with his amazing humor and charm. Later at the wedding I realized Samantha was also an Irish girl like myself so of course this made me love her even more!

Wedding days can be chaotic or stressful if you let them. There’s many moving parts, and changing timelines and SO many people to coordinate. But not once did I see either one break a sweat or worry. They took the moments they needed to cherish with their parents, grandparents and friends, creating beautiful memories along the way. Memories of sweet grandmas needing some extra love, memories of nephews bringing flowers, of reading vows to one another and sharing laughter.

While on the way to the reception the couple had to stop at their meeting spot, Merls Tavern. Where Cameron saw a girl and knew there was something special about her. That if she just gave him a chance he knew the grass would be greener 😉

To top of the wonderful moments of those they love most, Griffin their sweet pup met them there for some official family pics!! Cam and Sam, you make wedding dreams a reality. You took pieces of your hearts and tucked them sweetly through out the day, sharing bits with all your guests, friends and family. I hope you continue to cherish the fun unpredictable moments and celebrate all the little life blessings, thank you for having me on your wedding day! 

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